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Floating on the water - personal buoyancy


Teacher resource - skills to be achieved at the pool or safe water space


1. Float, then regain feet

Students should be able to float in any body position (such as vertical or horizontal, curved,rolled).The emphasis is on balance and control with the transition.


Skill can be assessed as ‘achieved’ when the student can float in anybody position (such as vertical, horizontal, curved or rolled) as all body types float differently, and regain their feet. Student should be relaxed and understand how moving head and hands can change their position in the water.

2. Control breathing while floating on back for at least 1 minute

Be able to control their breathing to recover, manage fear and be ready to plan decisions and actions.


Skill can be assessed as ‘achieved’ if the student has relaxed and regular breathing.

3. Scull head-first and/or scull feet first for at least 3 minutes

Students use their hands and arms as paddles to move forward or backward


Skill can be assessed as ‘achieved’ if student moves in any direction for three minutes while sculling.

Students are assessed as ‘not yet achieved’ if they are learning the hand movement but can’t perform it while floating, or if they can scull for a shorter time than 3 minutes.

4. *Tread water for at least 3 minutes in deep water****

Can be introduced in shallow water with feet off floor of the pool. Treading is maintaining an upright position by moving feet to keep head above water.


Skill can be assessed as ‘achieved’when a student cant read water and keep their head above water for 3 minutes. Students are assessed as ‘not yet achieved’ if they cant read water for a shorter time than 3 minutes.

Further extensions of this skill could be encouraging students to do it for longer as their ability increases.They could also practice in clothes.

5. Perform this sequence in deep water:

  • Correctly fit a lifejacket then tread water, scull, float or a mixture for 3 minutes while controlling breathing.

  • Then return to edge and get out of the water

Students learn the difficulty of putting a life jacket on in the water and be encouraged to wear lifejackets at all times in, on and around water.Sequencing is designed to ensure students are able to switch between different skills as the situation requires i.e.switch between treading water, sculling, and floating as needed.


Student is assessed as ‘achieved’ when the full sequence can be performed. Students are assessed as ‘not yet achieved’ if they are learning individual skills. This is an example of what the student should be able to perform on their own when they are ready to choose their sequence of five skills.

6. Perform this sequence for five minutes:

  • Signal for help while

  • treading water,

  • sculling,

  • floating,

  • or a mixture, and while controlling breathing

Sequencing is designed to ensure students are able to switch between different skills as the situation requires ie switch between treading water, sculling,and floating as needed.

  • Student is assessed as ‘achieved’ when the full sequence can be performed.

  • Signalling for help requires one arm raised above the head and a call for help – this can be done while treading water, sculling, or floating.

  • Students are assessed as ‘not yet achieved’ if they are learning individual skills.

  • This is an example of what the student should be able to perform of their own when they are ready to choose their sequence of five skills.


Lesson Plans in four levels

Select a level and access the lessons and teacher resources here.





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